I've been away for weeks from Newgrounds, I know.
I felt like... unsure of myself? because I started to feel like this place is more for professional artists, in regards that no one is expecting a rookie to throw a sketched 5 seconds animation with no sound that you won't take the effort to understand.
I'm also not used to browse websites. if it were an app I would but I can't. I won't do twice what I'm already doing in another app. priorities!
so, it's just me. I'm trying to get the hang of it.
so, what I have in mind for Newgrounds from now on is only fully finished stuff, like a loop animation or two (with sound included), but I'm never throwing a sketch ever again. drawings... I still have to think about it.
I think that's all. I'm not your favorite artist, but I'm definitely part of your artists, so I'll keep doing my best. thank you ✨